Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The CIA and the Potamic Two Step.

Its amazing that the ACLU is ready to pounce on the CIA for their mistreatment of foreign detainees whom are not protected under American Law. (Yes you can pull out the whole Geneva convention, however they are not soldiers fighting in a "war", they are people operating without* a nation and therefore cannot be labeled as being at war with said individuals. Furthermore, should you determine we are at war, Convention IV would have shown terrorists were in direct violation of the Geneva Conventions outline in harming of civilian persons.)

See Geneva Convention III here
Geneva Convention IV here

*although some nations sanction terrorism.

While I disagree with the abuses on moral ground, if it saved and continues to save American lives, why fret over a guy who was caught beheading our soldiers in Afghanistan or Iraq because they were threatened with a power drill. Our POW's have endured much worse at the hands of foreign agents.

Just as the Continental Army changed their strategies to beat the British, we need to modify our modern strategies in fighting an enemy that can go off the grid and fight and kill with no regard of innocent lives.

I'd love to see the uproar over the CIA not doing their job if there is ever an attack on our soil again. They will be put through the ringer just as they were after 9/11. Remember, you always hear about their shortcomings. Yet you never hear about their successes.

See story here.

Now I can understand holding people responsible for their actions. But when President Obama says to the CIA that he only wants to look forward, not back on past events and then turns around the minute his OBAMACARE starts to fail... it makes you stand back and ask what is the political motivation for this? To pull the old smoke screen and mirrors act to pass the bill? Or is it all part of the famed Potomac two step?

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